Sustainable mine development

Through innovative sustainable development in mining, Procon is working to reduce any adverse environmental, social, economic and cultural impacts while supporting and sustaining the communities and environments in which we operate.

Environmental Protection

Sustainable mining protects human health and the environment. Procon has established best practices that comply with regulatory requirements and has integrated policies, procedures and work processes to minimize impacts to the environment.

Community Investment

Procon invests in the communities where we live and work through scholarships, donations and sponsorships. Our sustainable mining business strengthens communities by connecting citizens and businesses with meaningful employment and business opportunities.

Corporate Integrity

At Procon, we do what is right. Our CEO sets the tone for our operations, reinforced by our Business Integrity Policy, which guides Procon’s business practices to the highest standards of personal and corporate ethics.

Corporate Reporting

Procon looks to continuously improve corporate policies and reporting related to the environment and social welfare. The link below shows Procon’s report on our support in the fight against forced and child labour in supply chain. 

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Strong Relationships

Procon educates all of its employees on the histories, experiences, and worldviews of Indigenous Peoples to build understanding and collaboration.

Indigenous Engagement

We recognize the importance of partnering with Indigenous communities for projects located on traditional lands to deliver long-term mutual benefits.

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Health and Safety

Health and safety are our primary values as an organization. Everything that we do is built on this foundation.

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